Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lasting Investment

Our church did a fast last week and offered a "Daily Food for Thought" to pray and meditate on. Thursday's (posted below), made me reflect on how fortunate I am to be able to stay home with Tatum. This was coming off the pity pot I was on that I couldn't redecorate the room I was fantasizing about (after WAAAY too much HGTV). The truth is we are making some sacrifices, a lot of sacrifices, for me to stay home but I'm struck with the "lasting investment" we are making in our daughter by making the material sacrifices. They are much more important than the "must have" of the day that will lose value as soon has the shine wears off. I am grateful we are afforded the opportunity to invest the time and love in Tatum that will pay dividends forever. Now...I'll go delete that laptop I've been watching on Ebay....

Thursday, June 12
Did you or your family ever have to make the decision between Beta and VHS? In the early 1980's, there was a major decision each family had to make when it came to home video. Would they buy a machine that played Beta or VHS tapes? Back then, movie rentals came in both versions so it was a major decision.

Those who went with Beta soon had obsolete machines as VHS became more popular and dominated the home video industry. Beta became a wasted investment in home video. VHS won the home video battle, but that celebration did not last long. Technology advanced and the DVD was introduced. Now VHS is practically obsolete.

There are lots of things we can invest our time, talents and treasures in, but most of them will become obsolete. Jesus offers an alternative investment with a lasting impact.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Me? Stay at home mom?

Who would have ever thought that I would be a stay at home mom? A "mom" is pretty miraculous in itself...forget about it, being married is miraculous in itself! WHo is this person?? Yet I find myself extremely humbled and honored to be in my new DOMESTIC DIVA position. Don't get me wrong, it is definitely an adjustment....like needing to pack the entire house to run to the store for a pack of gum. And I have already learned the beauty of the "drive thru" anything...bank, drycleaner, car wash. (though my butt is paying the price). But one look into the big brown, sometimes blue, sometimes green eyes of my beautiful daughter and it's all worth it....the sleepless nights, the milk-factory boobs, the jiggly tummy, the five-minute "please don't cry" showers...ALL worth it.

And the journey begins.....