Friday, July 25, 2008

Palm Reader

Motherhood is amazing. And much harder than I anticipated. But I could just stare at Tatum for hours, especially as she is cooing and smiling and making little porpoise noises. And I love to look at her little parts. It's awesome to me how everything is already in place. Her feet already bear my mom's funny little toe. The one that curls under the other toes that I have made fun of for years. God has a funny sense of humor. And her hands look just like mine, only smaller, and smoother, and without any scars. I try to read her life line, or at least the line that some boy in high school told me was the life line, that may have just been his line. But I guess I'm looking for some reassurance that nothing bad will happen to her, or a guarantee that I won't lose her prematurely like my mom lost her first born. Though I know bad things will happen, that's the essence of life. But I somehow want to guard her (and me) from all of if I have the power.

Jer 29:11 (NIV) "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

And it also amazes me how I can look at Tatum and KNOW God has a plan for her life, that she was created to fulfill a special part of His plan. She has been uniquely created with special gifts and talents that I am excited to help her discover. Why is it so hard to remember that is true of me also? Of all of us? Maybe that is one of the things our children are supposed to teach us...