Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Whoever thought that spit bubbles would be so darn cute??? Tatum is making all sorts of noises and chatty sounds. Her newest trick is rolling her tongue which has the whole house excited as it is a skill we all have and are particularly proud of. A couple of weeks ago she rolled over a few times but she seems to have decided that she proved she could do it...there is no need to over do it! (hmm...sounds like me and going to the gym) She is a bit of an adrenaline junkie and loves to hang out upside down...she must get that one from her stunt man daddy! She also is a sleeping fool! She will sleep about 10 hours at night (yippee) and take a monster afternoon nap. We are still trying to master the nap schedule though.

As you can see from all her car seat photos (3 to 4 month photo album), we love to walk and play the alphabet game...Big A, Little A, what begins with A? Though its a little one-sided right now...but let me tell you, that game can be very hard when the words have to fall into a specific category. And it is a true test of character to not cheat when you are playing against a 4 month old! I'm sure I will have lots of good answers by the time T can chime in though! It's especially fun when Daddy joins us...then at least I have someone to beat :). T is also having a lot of fun seeing what can fit in her mouth. Every new object immediately lands there for further exploration. This week we will try cereal with a spoon. Who would have thought such a thing would be the highlight of my week? But, I love being a mommy and I am so grateful to have this time with Tatum and not have to miss one single "blllpppptttt" !

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