Monday, November 3, 2008

Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, Make me a channel of thy peace-
That where there is Hatred,
I may bring Love-
That where there is Wrong,
I may bring the spirit of Forgiveness-
That where there is Discord,
I may bring Harmony-
That where there is Error,
I may bring Truth-
That where there is Despair,
I may bring Hope-
That where there are Shadows,
I may bring Light-
That where there is Sadness,
I may bring Joy.

Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort
than to be comforted-
To understand, than to be understoond-
To love, than to be loved.
For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.
It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life.

Motherhood is showing me I am capable of this ideal, for isn't this how we relate to our children? Never do I enter Tatum's room in the middle of the night to her crying and expect her to recognize that I am tired and need some sleep. Neither do I expect her to understand that I have a long list of "to do's" that need to be "to done" if she would only cooperate. No, I seek to comfort, I seek to bring joy, I strive to emulate faith and hope. My love is unconditional and selfless. Who knew I was capable of that?? Now....if I can just apply it to the rest of the world. :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Whoever thought that spit bubbles would be so darn cute??? Tatum is making all sorts of noises and chatty sounds. Her newest trick is rolling her tongue which has the whole house excited as it is a skill we all have and are particularly proud of. A couple of weeks ago she rolled over a few times but she seems to have decided that she proved she could do it...there is no need to over do it! (hmm...sounds like me and going to the gym) She is a bit of an adrenaline junkie and loves to hang out upside down...she must get that one from her stunt man daddy! She also is a sleeping fool! She will sleep about 10 hours at night (yippee) and take a monster afternoon nap. We are still trying to master the nap schedule though.

As you can see from all her car seat photos (3 to 4 month photo album), we love to walk and play the alphabet game...Big A, Little A, what begins with A? Though its a little one-sided right now...but let me tell you, that game can be very hard when the words have to fall into a specific category. And it is a true test of character to not cheat when you are playing against a 4 month old! I'm sure I will have lots of good answers by the time T can chime in though! It's especially fun when Daddy joins us...then at least I have someone to beat :). T is also having a lot of fun seeing what can fit in her mouth. Every new object immediately lands there for further exploration. This week we will try cereal with a spoon. Who would have thought such a thing would be the highlight of my week? But, I love being a mommy and I am so grateful to have this time with Tatum and not have to miss one single "blllpppptttt" !

Friday, July 25, 2008

Palm Reader

Motherhood is amazing. And much harder than I anticipated. But I could just stare at Tatum for hours, especially as she is cooing and smiling and making little porpoise noises. And I love to look at her little parts. It's awesome to me how everything is already in place. Her feet already bear my mom's funny little toe. The one that curls under the other toes that I have made fun of for years. God has a funny sense of humor. And her hands look just like mine, only smaller, and smoother, and without any scars. I try to read her life line, or at least the line that some boy in high school told me was the life line, that may have just been his line. But I guess I'm looking for some reassurance that nothing bad will happen to her, or a guarantee that I won't lose her prematurely like my mom lost her first born. Though I know bad things will happen, that's the essence of life. But I somehow want to guard her (and me) from all of if I have the power.

Jer 29:11 (NIV) "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

And it also amazes me how I can look at Tatum and KNOW God has a plan for her life, that she was created to fulfill a special part of His plan. She has been uniquely created with special gifts and talents that I am excited to help her discover. Why is it so hard to remember that is true of me also? Of all of us? Maybe that is one of the things our children are supposed to teach us...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lasting Investment

Our church did a fast last week and offered a "Daily Food for Thought" to pray and meditate on. Thursday's (posted below), made me reflect on how fortunate I am to be able to stay home with Tatum. This was coming off the pity pot I was on that I couldn't redecorate the room I was fantasizing about (after WAAAY too much HGTV). The truth is we are making some sacrifices, a lot of sacrifices, for me to stay home but I'm struck with the "lasting investment" we are making in our daughter by making the material sacrifices. They are much more important than the "must have" of the day that will lose value as soon has the shine wears off. I am grateful we are afforded the opportunity to invest the time and love in Tatum that will pay dividends forever. Now...I'll go delete that laptop I've been watching on Ebay....

Thursday, June 12
Did you or your family ever have to make the decision between Beta and VHS? In the early 1980's, there was a major decision each family had to make when it came to home video. Would they buy a machine that played Beta or VHS tapes? Back then, movie rentals came in both versions so it was a major decision.

Those who went with Beta soon had obsolete machines as VHS became more popular and dominated the home video industry. Beta became a wasted investment in home video. VHS won the home video battle, but that celebration did not last long. Technology advanced and the DVD was introduced. Now VHS is practically obsolete.

There are lots of things we can invest our time, talents and treasures in, but most of them will become obsolete. Jesus offers an alternative investment with a lasting impact.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Me? Stay at home mom?

Who would have ever thought that I would be a stay at home mom? A "mom" is pretty miraculous in itself...forget about it, being married is miraculous in itself! WHo is this person?? Yet I find myself extremely humbled and honored to be in my new DOMESTIC DIVA position. Don't get me wrong, it is definitely an needing to pack the entire house to run to the store for a pack of gum. And I have already learned the beauty of the "drive thru", drycleaner, car wash. (though my butt is paying the price). But one look into the big brown, sometimes blue, sometimes green eyes of my beautiful daughter and it's all worth it....the sleepless nights, the milk-factory boobs, the jiggly tummy, the five-minute "please don't cry" showers...ALL worth it.

And the journey begins.....